Mangrove Plating

Since 2018, Hotel Las Islas has joined efforts with the community of Barú and with National Natural Parks of Colombia to recover the mangrove forests within Barú Island, with a program that consists of collecting seeds provided by the forest and transporting them to a nursery where, after helping with their germination, they are transferred to the natural environment where they will grow and become part of the forest.

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Today we have more than 2,000 plants planted and we continue to contribute to the recovery of this ecosystem which, in addition to serving as a refuge for fish and mollusks, contributes to coastal protection.

Coral plating and reproduction

Another fundamental ecosystem in the area that is currently being restored and protected are corals, marine animals that unite in colonies forming reefs and on which a quarter of marine life depends for food and shelter, in addition to serving as marine barriers that protect neighboring coasts from strong waves during storms, tsunamis and hurricanes.


To date, Hotel Las Islas has planted 70,000 new corals, which are taken to their natural environment by divers from the Barú community who were certified as coral gardeners with the hotel's support. Both plantings are part of Aviatur's efforts and bets for sustainable tourism.

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